Rainstorm 2020

Splash (across many institutions) went virtual this year! I taught two 25 minute courses, one on Soviet ballet (a condensed version of a 50 minute course I’ve taught in the past) and one on the map coloring (a section of one of my graph theory courses). While I’m glad to have tried this, I don’t think that I would do either of these in 25 minutes again.

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MIT Splash, Fall 2017

I taught at MIT Splash this past weekend! I gave feedback on teaching for a couple of classes, and I taught Math Modeling and Ballet in the Soviet Union. Both of those were classes I’ve run before. I taught Math Modeling as a two hour course at MIT and Columbia Splash last fall and a one hour course at Columbia a couple weeks ago, and I taught Soviet Ballet at Columbia Splash and MIT Spark last spring. Thoughts on how both of the classes went this time below the fold! Continue reading

Spring 2017 MIT Spark, Columbia Splash

This is very belated, but I taught two classes at MIT Spark and Columbia Splash this spring. Spark is aimed at middle school students, and Columbia Splash is for students in grades 8-12. The two classes I taught were both one hour long, one about weather data (in particular, using and interpreting skew T-log p plots) and one about ballet in the Soviet Union. Any feedback is welcome!

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